This page will include everything you need to know regarding Contacts and Accounts in Salesforce.
Contacts are the people related to accounts. Information on the contact record includes name, address, email, phone number, contact preferences, etc. All contacts must be related to one (or more) accounts.
There are several different Contact Record Types.
- Constituent: An industry partner contact or other types of constituent related to KRESA.
- Faculty/Staff: A faculty or staff member at any educational institution (for example, an employee at KRESA, teacher at a school, staff at higher-education institution, etc.).
- Guardian: A person who is a parent or legal guardian of a student.
- Student/Participant: A student or participant who is affiliated with the school.
Entering a Contact
- Accounts and contacts have a one-to-many relationship. Accounts can have an unlimited number of contacts associated to them.
Constituents get entered into the system in two ways:
- Manual entry from our team
- Automatic contact creation when someone completes a form.
Please Note: A Household Account will be automatically created when a new contact is generated (for all contact types).
Creating Contacts
Salesforce Refresher 10-11-23 Creating a Contact.pptx
Accounts store information about entities that you interact with.
Here are the record types we are utilizing:
- Partner Organization: An organization partnering with KRESA.
- Schools: An educational institution. Typically, a prior or current school.
- Groups/Committees: A committee or student organization (e.g. YAC, Advisory members)
Entering an Account
- Enter the Account Name
- Watch for spelling errors
- Watch for capitalization
- Acronyms in ()
- Type: select Community or Industry partner
- Community-Based Organizations: Nonprofits
- This also includes Museums, Churches, Greek Orgs., etc.
- Industry Partner: For-Profit Businesses
- Industry: select Community or Industry partner
- Enter a Website wherever possible
- When known, use goggle search bar for Address
- Industry Type:
- Salesforce Refresher 10-11-23 Creating Accounts.pptx
Constituents get entered into the system in two ways:
- Manual entry from our team
- Automatic contact creation when someone completes a form.
Please Note: A Household Account will be automatically created when a new contact is generated (for all contact types).
Mention searching all options
1.Didn’t find the person? Search one more time.
1.Did you consider nicknames?
2.Shortened versions of a formal name? (e.g. Searching “Tom” instead of “Thomas”)